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≡Essays on Psychological Disorders. Free Examples of Research Paper Topics, Titles GradesFixer
Neurological Disorder Epilepsy Neurological Disorder Epilepsy essay questions on psychological disorders a Neurological Disorder Epilepsy is a neurological disorder which causes frequent seizures due to abnormal electricity activity within the brain. Epilepsy is considered a brain disorder disturbing the brain function which ultimately affects behaviour and cognition.
This paper highlights some common symptoms of epilepsy. It also explains different treatments deployed for reducing seizure activity in epilepsy. Each treatment portrays a different way of taking control over the seizures and points out a path towards leading a balanced life.
Epilepsy -- A Neurological Disorder Epilepsy is a neurological disorder which is characterised by repeated spontaneous seizures of any type which cause problems with speech, vision, movement, awareness and muscle control. Epilepsy cannot be considered as an intellectual disability or mental illness. This paper explains the common symptoms associated with epilepsy.
It highlights three different types of treatments for epilepsy and presents a comparative analysis…. Diagnostic Statistical Manual Disorders Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Anxiety Disorders There is a large array of more specified disorder types within the general category of anxiety disorders, essay questions on psychological disorders, but which all share a common symptom of increased anxiety These are comprised of not only Generalized Anxiety Disorder, but also Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Social Phobia, essay questions on psychological disorders, Acute Stress Disorder, Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder, and unspecified conditions that do not meet the conditions of the ones outlined above.
Generalized anxiety disorder, and its counterparts, is usually diagnosed through persistent levels of high anxiety within individuals. The DSM IV-TR describes the diagnosis for Generalized anxiety disorders as having six months or more of continuous anxiety which impacts the individual's quality of life American Psychiatric Association Other, more specific disorders within the larger classification do not have exactly that time necessity, but all require the feelings of anxiety within individuals to…, essay questions on psychological disorders.
Efficacy of Personality Disorder Treatments Abnormal Psychology The paper reviews literature regarding the nature of personality disorders and known treatments. The paper argues that there is no definitive cure-all for personality disorders. The paper also advocates for increased attention and research in the area of personality disorders regarding treatments and variation of treatment strategies. The paper explains the causes of personality disorders, the treatments available, the perceptions of personality disorders in the medical and general communities, and proposes methods personality disorders may be freshly perceived and treated.
Determining the Efficacy of Personality Disorder Treatments Personalities are the consistent behavior and mental characteristics and patterns that each individual has. Personality disorders are disorders that describe prevalent ways in which people's experiences and behaviors are not aligned with relative cultural norms or expectations.
Areas essay questions on psychological disorders personality disorders affect patients are impulse control, emotional expression and comprehension, and cognition. Personality disorders refer to…. Eating Disorder Anomalous eating habits involving too less or too much dietary intake that may lead to physical or mental harm to an individual is known as Eating Disorders. Classification of Eating Disorders According to Walsh and Essay questions on psychological disorders Eating Disorders are most commonly classified into three categories Anorexia nervosa AN Bulimia nervosa BN Atypical eating disorder or Eating disorders not otherwise specified EDNOS Anorexia Nervosa is a medical condition associated with exceptionally low food intake, less bodyweight and an apprehension of increase in the body weight in the affected person.
The affected person usually exhibit transition from severe limitation to the binge eating behavior. Bulimia Nervosa is a medical condition in which the effected individual binges on food and his repeated episodes of eating become out of his control. Hence, this disease is associated with obesity in the affected person. Marcus and Wildes, Later on, the individual try….
Vitamin a for Autism Spectrum Disorder The Theory of Using Vitamin a as Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorders There is widespread linkage of Autism Spectrum Disorders ASD and Oxytoxin. There are reports that any decrease in the pathway of Oxytocin, is a possible causative factor to the development of autistic situation Munese-et-al. Decrease in Oxytocin comes about because of mutations in its receptors, which lead to a reduction on the amount of Oxytocin released to the body posing possible chances for the development of autistic conditions Lerer et-al, essay questions on psychological disorders.
There is partial dependency of Oxytocin secretion to a protein found, in the cellular membranes of certain red blood cells. The scientific reference of these proteins is CD38, and whenever they mutate there develops a risk of Autism. Mice engineered without the oxytocin receptor gene have been shown to display socially anomalous behavior such as a deficiency of maternal behavior….
population, and has remained steady sincewith the exception of women under 45; in this subset of the population, depression rates have doubled in the past three decades.
This increase has been offset by reductions in other population subsets, including younger men, older men and older women Fleischmann, essay questions on psychological disorders, This increasing prevalence amongst this group suggests that there is a social component to depression which has changed in those women born in the baby boom.
While there may be a biochemical origin in those increases, life stresses could also be a contributor. Specifically, during that period more women below…. Eating disorder is characterized by abnormal eating habits involving excessive or insufficient intake of food which is detrimental to the individual's physical and mental well-being. There are two common types of eating disorders although there are other types of eating disorders. The first is bulimia nervosa which is excessive eating coupled with frequent vomiting.
The second type is anorexia nervosa which is immoderate restriction of food which leads to irrational weight gaining. The other types of eating disorders include eating disorders not otherwise specified which are essentially where a person has essay questions on psychological disorders and bulimic behaviors, binge eating disorder which is compulsive overeating without any kind of compensatory behavior, essay questions on psychological disorders, and pica which is craving for certain non-food items such as glue, plaster, paper.
Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder frequently lack empathy, tend to be manipulative and impulsive. Those traits positively correlate those individuals to commit violent crime such as felony assault.
Even though it is said that Antisocial Personality Disorder is a genetic problem, there are many environmental factors that trigger the onset of this disorder. One of such triggers is disturbed family relations, essay questions on psychological disorders. When any sort of traumatic events take place in the life of a person, this creates a problem in the normal development of the central nervous system that in turn leads to a disturbed pattern of hormone production.
Researchers have discovered a number of neurotransmitters that might have a role to play in the development of ASPD in an individual, and one of such hormones is serotonin Black, While there are approximately 5 million people suffering from the illness at any one time in America, women are twice as likely to develop PTSD as compared to men. Causative Factors of the Disorder: As previously discussed, the main cause of post traumatic stress disorder is exposure to a life-threatening, hugely unsafe, and frightening traumatic experience.
As a result of this constant feeling of painful and essay questions on psychological disorders experience, the individual remains relatively unable to overcome the incident or feel normal again.
Some of…. Treatment and therapy for the condition is sought after clinical psychologists, in most cases when they face multiple court charges, diagnose the patient.
Treatment of the condition entails the use of behavioral treatments like reward and punishment methods in psychology. A patient with antisocial personality disorder is rewarded for displaying the correct behavior, under the positive reinforcement method.
Negative reinforcement entails promise and use negative consequences for any illegal behavior the patient displays. The best form of treatment for children and adolescents diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder involve the training essay questions on psychological disorders parents and guardians to handle essay questions on psychological disorders. The parent or guardian is taught how to recognize problems in behavior early that indicate the beginning of problems.
They are taught how to use praise and privileges to encourage positive social behaviors, and denial of privileges to discourage antisocial behaviors. The continuous positive and negative reinforcement conditions the individual to uphold positive…. It is difficult to get an accurate record of the actual number of children that have been sexually abused.
Many cases never come to light and because of differences in definitions of sexual assault, some cases are missed Researchers have begun to explore the concept of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder with children and adults that were victims of sexual assault. Many times people associate particular events with particular stimuli. For example, certain orders, colors, sounds, and people can trigger a memory of a past event.
This is truer for victims of sexual assault. According to Wolf, Sas, and Wekerle, 'traumatic episodes become associated with particular eliciting stimuli and can lead to maladaptive or a typical reactions, essay questions on psychological disorders. Such conditioning can play an important role in the formation of children's adjustment disorders subsequent to sexual abuse Wolf et al. Autistic Spectrum Disorders and the Family Unit Autistic Spectrum Disorders are a group of related disorders or developmental disabilities that have been caused by some sort of problem within the brain.
The necessity to understand the reasons for autism and the basic underlying pathophysiology has become more severe because the amount of diagnosed cases has increased dramatically in recent years.
White, essay questions on psychological disorders, Researchers and scientists have not been able to discover, essay questions on psychological disorders, as yet, what, exactly, causes this problem. The affected person may have his basic functioning affected by the Autistic Spectrum Disorder, and it may range form a mild affliction to a severe one.
An autistic person may not look different from any of the others around him; the difference in fact is in the behavior and in the way in which he communicates, and interacts and behaves with the others around him. The Autistic Disorder is one of the…, essay questions on psychological disorders.
Biopsychology Disorder Over the last several years, many health care professionals have been focusing on wide variety of approaches to fully understand the impact that depression having on people. At the heart of this area of research, has been studying the way that a person is reacting to a particular event.
This is because there are certain genetic factors and traits that can have an effect on how they are interpreting a variety of situations. As a result, there has been an emphasis on comprehending how these elements can influence an individual's thinking. Evidence of this can be seen by looking no further than, observations from Plomin who observed, "We are rapidly approaching the postgenomic era in which we will know all of the 3 billion DNA bases in the human genome sequence and all of the variations in the genome sequence that are ultimately essay questions on psychological disorders for genetic influence….
Bipolar Disorder and the Impact Manic-depressive illness is termed as the bipolar disorder. It is a brain disorder and causes swings in mood, fluctuation in the energy levels and the inability of a person to carry out the daily activities. There are various symptoms of this disorder, which can be very severe. There are three conditions or types of disorder, which include mania, hypomania, and depression, essay questions on psychological disorders.
There are feelings of creativity, social ease, and extra ordinary energy in the condition of mania, essay questions on psychological disorders. There are less severe symptoms in the condition of hypomania as compared to mania. The effects of depression are more intense than other two conditions.
There are both positive and negative effects of this condition, essay questions on psychological disorders. The positive effects are creativity, social connectedness and enhanced autonomy whereas, the negative effects are psychosis, depression and anxiety and some personality disorders. The Effects of Bipolar Disorder and the Impact Introduction The…. Anxiety Disorders Diagnosis of anxiety disorders Diagnosis Differential diagnosis Generalized anxiety disorder GAD Ethical issues in Psychopharamacology In this paper, essay questions on psychological disorders present an elaborate analysis of anxiety disorders involving symptoms, diagnosis as well as the differential diagnosis.
The aim of this paper is however to discuss the Psychopharamacological of essay questions on psychological disorders disorder with specific discussion of the medication for every case. The ethical considerations on Psychopharamacological are also presented. Anxiety disorders are noted by Oakley-Browne as some of the most common as well as disabling disorders which affects both adult and adolescents alike.
An Epidemiological Catchment Area RCA study indicated that about a quarter of individuals will experience disability severe symptoms as well as handicap as a result of anxiety disorders at a certain instance of their lives.
The anxiety disorders are generally associated with a significant level of morbidity Markowitz et al. The unstated biases are that each person has some kind of social problems and were forced to go through added amounts of therapy to address them. A large segment was selected from different gender groups, ethnic and racial backgrounds.
J. Krishnamurti - Ojai 1982 - Discussion with Scientists 1 - Roots of psychological disorder
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Mar 11, · (Results Page 17) View and download psychological disorders essays examples. Also discover topics, titles, outlines, thesis statements, and conclusions for Dissociative Identity Disorder Mind Psychological Disorders. 1 2. Childhood Obesity Essays Depression Essays Diabetes Essays Healthy Food Essays Junk Food Essays Obesity Essays Stress Essays Schizophrenia Essays Plastic Surgery Essays Covid 19 Essays Aug 12, · Psychological Disorders: A Psychological Disorder Words | 5 Pages. A psychological disorder is a pattern of abnormal behavior that is associated with states of significant emotional distress, such as anxiety or depression, or with impaired behavior or ability to function, such as difficulty holding a job or even distinguishing reality form fantasy
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