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Dissertation on customer service retention

Dissertation on customer service retention

dissertation on customer service retention

20/03/ · Employee turnover and retention rates because of tuition reimbursement programs. Best practices in the aftermath of medical errors in terms of follow-up procedures. The impact of state legislation on medical malpractice insurance. International Business Dissertation Topics Dissertation On Customer Service Retention, Sample Of A Reflective Essay For A Movie, Creative Writing Chair, Example About Me Essay Customer retention occurs when a customer is loyal to a company, brand, or to a specific product or service, expressing long-term commitment and refusing to purchase from competitors. Of critical importance to such strategies are the wider concepts of customer service, customer relations, and relationship marketing

How Can the Customer Services Improved at Wal-Mart - Words | Free Paper Example

The researcher has also shown some strategic marketing policies that drive toward improving customer services, dissertation on customer service retention. A case study has been included to show the impact on customer service for treating the employees badly. Though the format was different the purposes remain the same.

All the services provided for customers vary from one to another firm. Some firms provide very high-quality service whereas some provide very low-quality service. So in this modern epoch of science improving customer service has now become the most alarming issue for dissertation on customer service retention firm as well as for WALMART to survive in the competitive market.

A recent survey of buyers in the Wal-Mart retail center focused on their level of satisfaction with distribution service. By this research, it will be examined the status of customer care improvement, i. It was hypothesized that the improvement of customer care of a company would be related to greater customer satisfaction.

The data has been collected both from primary and secondary sources. Resources are also gathered from academic books, journals, periodicals, websites, and articles. A researcher conducts a field survey to find out the expectations of the consumers regarding various customer services like online shopping facilities provided by WAL MART. The researcher has also generated several complaints made by the customers of WAL MART to find out the exact causes regarding the fall of service quality of WALL MART.

Considering the data generated both from primary and secondary sources, the researcher has pinpointed the key problems relating to the fall of customer service at WAL MART and thus at the same time also provided guidelines to overcome such situation, dissertation on customer service retention. Both the qualitative and quantitative method of data collection has been used in the study.

Qualitative data include interactive interviewing, observation, and dissertation on customer service retention descriptions by respondents. The researcher for this study has generated various information through interviewing customer service conditions at WAL MART and observed the true story.

Quantitative data analysis refers to a pictorial, graphical representation of the data based on qualitative information. This part of the research helps the readers to gain some knowledge about the key academic literature relating to this topic.

It will also help them to focus on the key strategic issues of the research. Customer means the target market for a company private and public to whom it provides goods and services according to their customer needs, wants, and demands.

In the context of marketing, the customer is known as an asset for every company with which they dealt in such a way that it can generate a high market share for the company, dissertation on customer service retention. To retain this customer forever WAL MART must treat them as their asset like other company assets, which has not been found in their recent performances.

Needham shows the importance of a public service ethos to delivering good quality public services has gained considerable recent attention in the UK.

Government ministers, trade union leaders, a parliamentary select committee as well as a national newspaper have stated their belief in a distinctive and valuable ethos of public service. Alternatively, this is an activity or a result of an activity, which has value to the recipient. Under this concept, any act which provides utility is a service Hauk. On the other hand, service refers to a kind of element of a marketing program designed to facilitate goods to satisfy the customers buying objectives.

Consumer shopping orientation was identified as an important predictor of online shopping behavior Sheth and Parvatiyar, ; Swaminathan et al. Despite the importance of shopping orientation in the context of online shopping, no research has addressed the issue of whether online consumers with different shopping orientations have different criteria in evaluating shopping websites.

By providing an established brand name, Internet marketers can increase the likelihood that consumers will purchase the product from them because of the lower levels of perceived risk Tan If performance matches expectations the customer is satisfied. And high customer satisfaction can be ensured through the improvement of customer services dynamically. A survey conducted by the University of Michigan pithily resulted that the services of WAL MART have been declining for many years.

Customer service, an activity that includes identification and satisfaction of customer needs. Giving customer service may mean giving them excellent service once. The empirical studies show that two constructs service quality and customer satisfaction are conceptually distinct Bitner,; Boulding; Kalra; Staelin, and Zeithaml, Sureshchandra et al.

In more recent studies Spreng and Mackoy addressed the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction by using the model developed by Oliver et al.

The model integrates the two constructs and suggests, among other things that perceived service quality is an antecedent to satisfaction. Spreng and Mackoy showed that service quality leads to customer satisfaction. Bitner developed a model of service encounter evaluation and empirically supported the effect of satisfaction on service quality.

Boolton and Drew also proposed that satisfaction leads to service quality. Earlier, Woodside et al. Even there is a negative impact of service quality on customer satisfaction which is now becoming the key factor for WAL MART. Customer service is often called the variable issue that changes day by day due to changes in market needs.

So improvement of customer service is the primary strategic goal for all marketing programs. Because it will help them customers to survive in the competitive market. In another sense, dissertation on customer service retention, since human needs are never fully satisfied, so frequent improvement of customer services is required.

But if the customer services are not changed by the changing requirement then it will not yield an expected benefit for the company. Finally, it has been found based on the above statement that improvement of customer services is necessary for WAL MART.

Because if it is not done then from a corporate viewpoint company will face loss of profits, dissertation on customer service retention, gains, and relative market share. And from a social viewpoint company will be neglected by the social community and face numerous criticisms.

Note: WAL MART has already fallen into such problems. WAL MART can follow several steps to retain its customers by providing improved services. The strategies to keep the customers for life can be sorted into some basic steps that any business professional can utilize. For getting enthusiastic referrals and keeping the customers for life the following proven techniques can be followed Sanow, :.

He sent 12 thank you cards a day. Online Shopping, n. Not all firms can deal with the issue efficiently, dissertation on customer service retention. It may happen due to not having a separate code of customer dealings guideline. However, dissertation on customer service retention are some typical ways that have shown that WAL MART can follow to deal with the complaints as effectively as can. The primary task will be to pay hundred percent attention to what the customers are saying to the company associates or employees.

Avoid half listen and write down the complaints specifically in the company database. But sometimes they should take the blame and apologize for having such a bad experience. It is the advanced form of the technique of serving the customers according to dissertation on customer service retention demand.

In this context, the complaints advisory panel may ask the customers to show the ways how they can make them happy by solving the problems. Be polite and generous. When the complaint is listened to and confirmed then assure the customers that action to prevent the problem will be taken soon.

The company should thank the customers for providing direct feedback regarding business development information. And it can be achieved through efficient complaint handling Agnihothri, et. If all the firms retailers and large corporate houses can take care of their employees well then it will make a high return for the firm. When employees are being satisfied with their present job condition then customer service will automatically be improved.

These are the basic formulas for any kind of business to survive in a competitive global business. In short, paying stronger attention to customer detail and exchange of information with the internal and external resources facilitate to improve the operational efficiency of the dissertation on customer service retention agents.

Thus it leads to provide valuable and up-to-date customer service Gaillard, n, dissertation on customer service retention. The figure stated above has shown a legendary customer service dissertation on customer service retention. The model depicts that good customer service makes the customers happy.

Such positive feelings drive the customers toward repeat purchases. Which in turn helps to earn better profits for the company. And if the company would be able to earn more and more profit then surely it will also hold a large portion of the relative market share. In short, it can be inferred that good customer service brings several benefits for the company. Customer satisfaction is like an investment. It is equivalent to research and development in a manufacturing company The Times If someone is loyal to a company they will recommend it to their friends.

Agnihothri, Saligrama. Leveraging technology to improve field service. International Journal of Service Industry Management. Bitner,; Boulding; Kalra; Staelin and Zeithaml, February, Journal of Business Market Management, Vol. Fornell, Claes. The American Customer Satisfaction Index. Journal of MarketingVol. Gaillard, Philippe. CRM Today. Goldschmidt, Alex. Kotler and Armstrong. Dissertation on customer service retention An International Multidisciplinary.

The Psychology Of Customer Service

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